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Friday, December 14, 2012

A young man on a judgment stand, not by choice.

A lot of times, I feel like i'm just a young man on a judgment stand, not by choice.

When I wake up and get ready for my day, I feel like I have to wear clothes that won't catch peoples eyes. "I can't wear my Ray Bans because I don't want people to think I'm a tool bag and just wearing them for attention." So I decide a lot of times, not to wear my glasses, and then walk outside and immediately get blinded by the sun. And by people, I mean the people that I think judge me and talk about me.

Do you ever wonder if people talk about you? Why do I care so much about what people think?
"I can't wear my blue dress pants because people might make fun of me with their friends."
"I can't dress up every day because people might look at me as an attention getter."
Heck if i'm anything, it's a guy who doesn't want anyone to look at me and cause an opportunity for gossip or judgemental conversations. This "disease" causes insecurity.

I get so wrapped up in this mindset and perspective that I develop worry, stress, and nerves that shouldn't be there. I get enslaved by the judgments of others. I get held down by people's comments or dirty looks like an anchor holds down a large ship. If I never pull up the anchor, I will never move.

Self achievement and satisfaction won't ever be present
unless you live for yourself instead for other people.

Don't worry about what people say or think about you. 

Be You! Be Yourself! 

1 comment:

  1. Amen! There tends to be a fear of individuality inside "christian bubbles" because people fear not "fitting the mold". & That's lame. Just do you and who cares what people have to say!

    A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor but a man of understanding holds his tongue. Proverbs 11:12
